sister keeps tagging me and I am getting behind so I figured I better answer quick before she gets another in. Also, I think I need to start heading out to read other peoples links so I can meet some people to pass the tag to. Anyhoo, my answers:
1. What were you afraid of as a child? Well, after sneaking to a friend house to watch a movie (that I wasn't allowed to watch) I acquired a fear of dark water.
2. When have you been most courageous? Just recently as I watched my son walk down a busy street by himself to go to a lesson and didn't chase after him. I am very good at babies, 8 year olds and budding independence terrify me...
3. What sound most disturbs you? Careless disrespect spilling out of human orifices. Whether it is a spouse belittling a spouse, a parent disregarding a child, or a child being utterly ungrateful. Especially when I realize it has slipped out of my own mouth. Makes me sick.
4. What is the greatest amount of physical pain you have been in? 3rd child, two hours of transition and tearing uterine ligaments. She was still worth it.
5. Whats the biggest fear for your children? That the society we live in will make them selfish and bitter or selfless and angry. That they won't find love or balance. That they will inherit this society's feeling of entitlement.
6. What is the hardest physical challenge you have ever achieved? Climbing Fisher Peak. Especially the last 20 feet, since I wasn't breathing from fear of falling off.
7. Which do you prefer: mountains or oceans/big water? I have a very deep love for my mountains, especially as the seasons change. You can watch winter creep down them in the fall and retreat back up in the spring. Breath-taking. However, for as long as I can remember I have had a secret lust for the ocean. I crave the opportunity sit on the edge of a sailboat, at night, in the middle of the ocean, to see what the stars look like from there.
8. What is the one thing you do for yourself that helps you keep everything together? I pray. Not always that nice holy praying either. Sometimes I scream, or sob, or sit silently with God, and sometimes I just list all the reasons I am grateful, but every time I walk away having regained a sense of myself and my place in the universe.
9. Ever had a close relative or friend with cancer? Of course. The first person I lost to cancer was my best friends mom when I was little. For a long time after I dreamed about her. She was very pretty and she would let us sit on her bed and help us paint our nails. I remember overhearing my parents talk about her in the car in front of swingstreet before she died. I didn't know it was cancer until several years later.
10. What are the things your friends count on you for? An ear,a cup of tea, a bit of chocolate, and every so often, a little advice.
11. What is the best part of being in a committed relationship? Pillow talk. Tickle fights. A shoulder to cry on that comes with unconditional understanding. Accountability. Fresh coffee in the morning. Having someone to watch my back, especially when I am too tired to protect my front. Cuddles. Having someone who loves me enough to tell me when I am acting like a child or just being plain stupid. Indoor water fights. Not having to change all the diapers. Being challenged to grow. Knowing there is someone who will sit quietly and hold me when the world is caving in and I am so desperately sad that I can barely sit upright. Knowing he shares my joy. And, as everything attached to me succumbs to gravity, he will still think I am beautiful because he knows the premature grey hair and stretch marks are pretty much his fault. And the naked thing......
12. What is the hardest part about being in a committed relationship? Trying not to take it for granted. I am so comfortable in this relationship that it has become like my right arm. I am glad I have a right arm. My world would change drastically without my right arm. I would miss my right arm if it wasn't there when I woke up in the morning. But, it's not like I remember to thank God for my right arm every day. I don't spend time thinking about how lucky I am to have a right arm. I don't get up in the morning and put scented lotion on my right arm just to make it feel special, just to make sure it knows how much I appreciate it. But, I am
really glad I have one.
13. Summer or winter? Why? Spring actually. I love watching the fresh green things stretch out of brown, wet earth. Babies of all kinds appearing everywhere. Peeling off the layers of winter clothing to let my skin get acquainted with the warmth of the sun again. Pressing my hands into the soil of my garden to plant new seeds. Hmmm spring.
14. Have you ever been in a schoolyard fight? Why and what happened? Gr.10. I had a friend named Peter who was dating a girl who had a habit of being a bit jealous. Another girl had hugged Peter and, his girlfriend, being the jealous type, started spreading the news that she was going beat her up after school. Even in high school, I threw my two cents into piggy banks where they were not welcome. I stuck up for the offending hugger, saying that friends hugged friends all the time and it wasn't an excuse to bruise people. Well, as I was packing up my locker, two girls came to inform me that the girlfriend was in front of the school waiting for me. What else could I do but go out to meet her? So, out I went. I stood there, trembling, silently telling my body not to pee, and watching the crowd of faces expand. I looked at the girlfriend and, in my best I'm-not-really-scared-of-you-voice, said, "I am not stupid, you are half again my size, you could absolutely kick my ass. I am not sure what this will prove but do what you have to do so I can get on with my homework." She never did end up hitting me, but she has never spoken to me again, and I managed not to wet myself so I figure it ended well.
15. Why blog? Because I can't afford therapy.
16. Did you learn about sex and/or sex safety from your parents? I don't remember "the talk" but I do remember my Mom cleaning her room when I was 17 and asking if I wanted her lifesaver pack of condoms. I asked her if they were usable and she said no they are expired. About fifteen minutes later she followed me into the bedroom and said, "Are you having sex? Don't you dare get pregnant!" 11 months later I was married and holding my new baby boy. I never have been very good at doing what I'm told.
17. How do you plan on talking to your kids about sex and/or sex safety? We use proper names for body parts. We talk about reproduction. As they get older we will talk about how sex is not just an activity to pass the time. It is beautiful and special and has all kinds of consequences attached. Some of those consequences can be guarded against but some can't so you better be darn sure you know what you're getting into.
18. What are you most thankful for this year? My sister getting married to a man I feel good about my children calling uncle.