Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 16

December 16
Painting ceramic plates

The Kelowna Art Gallery is a very cool place on Sunday afternoons. I imagine it's a cool place any day of the week, but Sunday's are particularly special. On Sunday afternoons, they allow us common folk to come and create our own works of art. They have a different activity each week for only $5 a person. This week we painted our own ceramic plates. 

I have four kids. This means I have oodles and oodles of special, beautiful and completely useless art work that I have quietly recycled. Don't judge me. If you keep every single piece of art that four children made, you would soon be buried in it. Our children are creators. I love that about them, but their creations can quickly go from beautiful to burden because of their sheer volume.

This is the very reason I love the Kelowna Art Gallery activities. These plates will be a useful, and lasting reminder of a wonderful afternoon spent creating together. They will not clutter up my house. If anything, I can get rid of six other small plates to make room for them. 

I want my kids to express themselves and stretch their creativity in as many ways as possible. If I can make room for them to do that without it costing the planet an entire forest in construction paper, all the better.

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