Friday, March 09, 2007


Spring is leaving her soft green tracks all over. She still seems to be sneaking around but you can see the signs of her unveiling everywhere. The twittering of those warm weather birds can be heard, the geese are making their debute, and there are patches of green in the neighbors yard. It is a bittersweet time of year for the Marriott family.

We love to watch winter retreat up the mountains and feel the wind turn warmer. We talk about seeds and fresh new things growing. There is so much to learn and see. But we get out less. The mud and muck and dampness keeping us from our favorite playgrounds. We go for walks but it really isnt the same as good roll in the snow.

It is a transitional time. Not only do we learn facts about how things grow, but we learn the less tangible lessons like how to wait. We learn about nurturing small things to help them get bigger. We learn patience. And honestly, I am not sure I am the teacher during these times. I have learned that spring's slow approach is better seen through the eyes of my children.

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