Saturday, June 02, 2007

Home Sweet home

Being able to wash clothes in the same building you live in really makes you settle in. We have no door knobs upstairs and we still have quite a bit to move over from the trailer but our new house is swiftly becoming home. The morning light in my kitchen warms me up from the inside out. Most days we have had our lunches outside on the deck while the kids frolic barefoot in the soft grass on the back yard. Today we bounced around a few garage sales buying necessities like garden hoses and less than nessesary items like orange serving dishes suitable for potlucks of all kinds. Now we are back at the trailer packing up some more of our things. It has been a pleasant saturday so far and I look forward to ending it with a cooler on the deck with my husband.


Anie said...

hurrah! you are in-towners! that IS good news, ok, we NEED to get your picture feature set up..there are aunties who need to see how "tut all thos kids really are!

Anie said...

make that "tute"